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Anthrax! Aaaaiiiiieeeeee!

Anthrax and bafflement do not mix. Well actually they do mix occasionally, but they shouldn't mix, because it means more death and destruction, right? Right?

Anyway, the New York Daily News reports "Experts baffled by case". While we applaud the use of "baffled" in the headline, they are obviously trying to downplay the story compared to an accurate headline, which would read "Experts baffled by DEADLY ANTHRAX case."
Who is baffled: "experts" or something. Hey look over there!
Posted 18.6 years ago (226 months) • Thursday, March 2, 2006 • Permalink

1 comment

Comment added 18.4 years ago (223 months) (3 months (102 days) after story posted)
Drew sez:
Anthrax sucks.
Posted 18.4 years ago (223 months) (June 12, 2006 11:08am)
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