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So-Called Land of Twins Baffles Fertility Experts

"The town's high incidence of twins has baffled fertility experts -- underscoring a more regional twin trend and an array of elaborate African rituals around them." Baffled
Who is baffled: fertility experts
Posted 16.9 years ago (205 months) • Tuesday, November 27, 2007 • Permalink

Volcano Didn't Actually Erupt, Baffling Scientists

"A volcano that was mistakenly thought to have erupted is baffling scientists".
Who is baffled: Volcanologists
Posted 16.9 years ago (206 months) • Friday, November 16, 2007 • Permalink

Many Scientists Baffled as Honey Bees are Disappearing

According to this article, the "disappearance of bees has many scientists baffled". The solution to this problem is so obvious I'm surprised no one noticed it before. Ask the scientists who aren't baffled what is going on! Sheesh!
Who is baffled: "many" scientists
Posted 17.5 years ago (212 months) • Wednesday, May 2, 2007 • Permalink

Seabirds are dying. Oh, that's just great.

Hey guess what. Seabirds are dying. And sentences are getting shorter. "Scientists Baffled" used in headline. That part's good.
Who is baffled: scientists
Posted 17.5 years ago (212 months) • Wednesday, May 2, 2007 • Permalink

Doctors Baffled As Dead Rise Again. No Sign of Zombies Yet.

"Medics have been left baffled after a hospital patient pronounced dead on Easter Sunday was dramatically later found to be alive."
Who is baffled: doctors
Posted 17.5 years ago (212 months) • Friday, April 27, 2007 • Permalink
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