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Oak Tree Waters Itself, Baffles Everyone

A San Antonio "red oak tree has baffled tree experts, water specialists and nursery professionals" because water is squirting out of the trunk.
Who is baffled: tree experts, water specialists and nursery professionals
Posted 18.2 years ago (221 months) • Monday, August 14, 2006 • Permalink

Lake Changes Color from Turquoise to Red. We're All Gonna Die.

What's that about seas turning to red? Isn't this a bad sign? If this had happened on 6/6/06 I'd run screaming if I were you.

"A lake atop a volcano in the South Pacific country of Vanuatu has switched colour in a quick change that has scientists baffled."
Who is baffled: volcanologists
Posted 18.4 years ago (223 months) • Monday, June 12, 2006 • Permalink
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