Explosions in space! No need to panic.
 Puzzling explosions in space are no good. Luckily this one is 440 million light years away.
Who is baffled: astronomers
Posted 18.9 years ago (229 months) • Saturday, April 8, 2006 • Permalink
Earth is right on time. Believe me, this is baffling.
 "In a phenomenon that has scientists puzzled, the Earth is right on schedule for a fifth straight year."
That was January 2004. The same thing happened in 2005, but in 2006, U.S. Naval Observatory adds leap second to world's clocks.
Who is baffled: scientists
Posted 18.9 years ago (229 months) • Sunday, April 2, 2006 • Permalink
Less sunlight is reaching Earth, but it doesn't matter.
 Less sunlight is reaching the Earth, but we're still warming. Thus, scientists are baffled.
Who is baffled: scientists
Posted 19.0 years ago (230 months) • Thursday, March 2, 2006 • Permalink
Oh, great. Something baffling is bombarding us from outside our galaxy.
 The Chicago Chronicle reports that "Auger scientists seek to pierce the secrets of a phenomenon that has baffled scientists for nearly seven decades: what is the mysterious source from beyond the galaxy that periodically bombards Earth with high-energy cosmic rays?"
Who is baffled: astrophysicists
Posted 19.0 years ago (230 months) • Thursday, March 2, 2006 • Permalink
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