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Archives for March 2007

2 posts between March 1, 2007 and March 31, 2007

Massive Invisible Whirlpool Baffling Scientists

A huge, 200km-wide whirlpool off the coast of Australia is baffling scientists. This slow moving whirlpool, which takes one week to rotate once, is also "invisible to the human eye", making it all the more mysterious and baffling.
Who is baffled: oceanographers
Posted 17.4 years ago (211 months) • Thursday, March 15, 2007 • Permalink

Makeup Experts and Hairdressers Help Eliminate Bafflement

Makeup experts and hairdressers are helping archaeologists reduce their bafflement at Roman beauty utensils. "We hope [makeup experts and hairdressers'] knowledge [of beauty utensils] can help us [scientists] identify some of the items in our collection which have so far baffled us," a baffled scientist said.
Who is baffled: archaeologists
Posted 17.3 years ago (210 months) • Tuesday, March 27, 2007 • Permalink
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